BD Therapy will be relocating to Chapel Hill-Durham, North Carolina in the fall of 2016. I am very excited about this new adventure. Interested patients can contact me at 512-789-3398 or
What’s the Deal with Pacifier Use & Speech/Language Development
Parents of young children may hear healthcare providers, daycare providers, friends, and/or relatives talk about the negative impact of a child’s pacifier use. There have been studies that show a link between prolonged pacifier use and dental abnormalities and increased…
Child development and “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

I have never been interested in reading "Frankenstein." I was swayed by the horror movies and the perception that the book was about a monster that walked through towns creating havoc, hurting people and ruining lots of things along the way. My…
Ear infections and Speech-Language Development: A Mother’s Perspective

Formal research studies have been unable to demonstrate a consistent link between otitis media with effusion, OME, and speech and/or language difficulties. Many speech-language pathologists feel as though they have seen and heard many compelling cases which reinforce the hypothesis…